VR Headset vs AR Glasses

August 23, 2022

VR Headset vs AR Glasses

Welcome to Flare Compare's blog on sensor technology! Today, we are going to compare two of the most talked-about devices related to virtual reality: VR Headset and AR Glasses.


Virtual reality is no longer limited to just gaming and entertainment. It has become a tool used in various industries like education, healthcare, and even military training. Virtual reality headsets are designed in a way to block real-world distractions and create an immersive environment.

Augmented reality, on the other hand, is not about shutting out the real world but enhancing it. AR glasses superimpose digital information onto the real world, allowing the user to interact with both the digital and the physical world.

Now let's compare these two technologies in terms of functionality, features, and usage.


Virtual reality headsets create a fully immersive environment for the users. Users can move around in the constructed world and interact with the virtual environment in real-time. VR headsets can be tethered to a computer, or they can be standalone devices with built-in displays and computing power.

AR glasses, on the other hand, don't create a fully immersive environment but superimpose virtual objects onto the real world. AR glasses use cameras to capture the real world, and the images are superimposed with virtual objects, creating a composite view.


VR headsets come with an array of features that promote immersion, such as hand controllers, haptic feedback, and positional tracking. These features make the virtual environment more believable and engaging.

AR glasses come with similar features to VR headsets, but more emphasis is placed on the display and camera technology. AR glasses have transparent displays that allow users to see the real world while still seeing the virtual objects.


VR headsets are primarily used for gaming and entertainment, but they are also being used in various other fields. They are used in education for simulation training, sports for training and analysis, and even in the military for simulation and training.

AR glasses, in contrast, are primarily used in industrial settings like manufacturing and construction, where technicians can receive instructions and interact with virtual models while still being able to see the real world.


In conclusion, VR headsets and AR glasses serve different purposes and have different functionalities. VR headsets create fully immersive environments, whereas AR glasses augment the real world with virtual objects. Both devices have unique features and are used in various industries.

So, which one should you choose? It depends on your preferences and use case. If you want to create and experience immersive environments, a VR headset is the way to go. If you want to interact with virtual objects in the real world, AR glasses are the choice for you.

We hope this comparison helped you understand the differences between VR Headsets and AR Glasses. For more comparisons and reviews, visit Flare Compare.


  1. Virtual Reality: Definitions, History, and Applications - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5858635/
  2. Augmented Reality: An Overview - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340272840_Augmented_Reality_An_Overview
  3. Virtual Reality Training Applications Across Industries - https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200728005645/en/Virtual-Reality-Training-Applications-Across-Industries---Infiniti-Research
  4. Hands-free Augmented Reality Smart Glasses for Industry 4.0 - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212827120308056

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